How do I access SciVal?


  1. Go to (unproxied URL) and click on ‘Sign in’.

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  2. From here, click on the ‘Sign in via your organization’.

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  3. Type in ‘San Diego State University’ select the entry, and click ‘Continue’.

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  4. Click on ‘Confirm your institution’.

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  5. Sign in with your organizational/institutional SSO credentials.

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  1. When you are returned from your institutional portal, you will see the “Almost there” screen, please click on ‘Sign in or register’.

    Note: For SciVal, it’s the product requirement that in order for you to access SciVal – you must login with your Elsevier user account.

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  2. Enter your email address/Elsevier account and click ‘Continue’.

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    Note: If you already have an Elsevier account, you will then be prompted to enter your Elsevier password and click 'Sign in’.

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    If you do not have an Elsevier account created yet, as soon as you enter your email address – the system will direct you to the registration page – that looks like this:

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    Then please click on ‘Register’. You will be seeing this screen afterwards:

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  3. Your SSO organizational/institutional credentials have been linked to your Elsevier user account. You will then be redirected to SciVal authenticated via SSO logged in with your Elsevier account.

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  4. You can now sign in to multiple Elsevier products with your organizational/institutional credentials, or with your email address and password, and you will have access to your personalized features and content.

  • Last Updated May 22, 2024
  • Views 15
  • Answered By Lucy Campbell

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