What are the Course Reserve policies for students?
What do I need to check out material from Course Reserves? How long can I check out material from Course Reserves?
General Info
- Students must present a valid SDSUid card to borrow material.
- Students please provide Library staff with the material’s call number at the Circulation Desk.
- Search for call numbers at: https://reserves.calstate.edu/sandiego/
- You may only check out up to three items at a time unless approved by Library Circulation staff.
- If there are multiple copies of the material available you can immediately check out the material again.
- An item with a red strap cannot be checked out overnight.
How Long?
- Material in Course Reserves typically has a loan period of two or four hours. Sometimes there are items with checkout periods of one day, three days, seven days, or 28 days.
- In order to re-checkout material with a two hour or four hour checkout period, you must wait 20 minutes after returning the material.
- In order to re-checkout an item with more than a one day loan period, you must wait until the next day.
- Two hours before the Services Desk closes, you may check out reserves material for an overnight loan. Items will be due an hour after the library opens the next day. (4 hours before the Services Desk closes, if the item is a 4-hour loan)
Library Fines
- Course Reserves Fines and Penalties: https://library.sdsu.edu/borrowing/fines
- Appealing Library Fines: https://library.sdsu.edu/borrowing/fines/appealing-library-fines