How long after graduation will I have access to library resources?

I'm about to graduate, when will my account be deactivated? I am graduating, how long will I have access to databases and articles?


For graduating students, the SDSUid, O365 account, SDSU Google Workspace, and all associated data will be deleted one year from graduation.  For all others (including credential/certificate programs) accounts will be deleted 90 days after the final day of the last enrolled semester. 

Graduating students will not be allowed to check out physical library materials (books or equipment) after the end of their graduating semester.

Access to the library's online resources, like databases, full-text articles, and ebooks will end when the student SDSUid account is deleted after one year.


  • Last Updated May 11, 2023
  • Views 193
  • Answered By Keven Jeffery

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