Does the library have loanable Arduinos?
The SDSU Library has a large number of Sparkfun Inventor Kits available for checkout at the Circulation Desk. The kit has a 7-day loan period and includes:
- SparkFun RedBoard
- Arduino and Breadboard Holder
- SparkFun Inventor's Kit Guidebook
- White Solderless Breadboard
- Carrying Case
- SparkFun Mini Screwdriver
- 16x2 White on Black LCD (with headers)
- 74HC595 Shift Register
- BC337 Transistors
- 1N4148 Diodes
- DC Motor with Gear
- Small Servo
- SPDT 5V Relay
- TMP36 Temp Sensor
- Flex sensor
- Softpot
- 6' SparkFun USB Cable
- Jumper Wires
- Photocell
- Tri-color LED
- Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green LEDs
- Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green Tactile Buttons
- 10K Trimpot
- Piezo Speaker
- 330 and 10K Resistors
Also, you can stop by the build IT makerspace @ SDSU Library to experiment and test your equipment. They have more tools and electronics available for in library use.