How do I get EndNote?
EndNote is a citation management software that allows you to collect, organize, store, share and format references that you discover and collect during your research. The product comes in three variations that all work together:
EndNote Online*
EndNote 20 (Desktop)*
- Faculty & Staff:
- Go to the Company Portal app (can be accessed from your start menu), locate EndNote 20.1 and click "install"
OR - Contact the ITUS Help Desk for download and installation help
- (619) 594-5261
- Go to the Company Portal app (can be accessed from your start menu), locate EndNote 20.1 and click "install"
- Undergraduates & Graduates: Download from the Academic Computing EndNote page with your RedID.
EndNote for iPad
- Search Apple iTunes App Store for EndNote
- Download and install
*EndNote Cite While You Write will not work in SDSU MS 365 accounts. Only approved plugins are available to students.
Here is a link to a guide on using EndNote for managing your citations: EndNote Citation Management
For a list of citation management software and instructions check out this guide: Which Citation Tool to Use