What are the murals in the Research Services area?

Where did the paintings by the circulation desk come from?


Genevieve Burgeson Bredo's Works Progress Administration era mural, "NRA Packages," was completed in 1936 while Bredo was a student at San Diego State College. Long forgotten and covered by a drop ceiling during renovations to Hardy Tower made in 1957-59, this mural, along with George Sorenson's "San Diego Industry," were rediscovered by campus workmen in 2004. 

The NRA Packages (by print stations) mural was restored and relocated to the library during the winter of 2007/2008. It was unveiled in its new location during SDSU Month, March 2008.

The San Diego Industry mural (by restrooms) was restored and relocated to the library during 2009/2010. It was unveiled in its new location on October 5, 2010.

For more information contact Dr. Seth Mallios, the University History Curator.


  • Last Updated Sep 01, 2021
  • Views 89
  • Answered By Keven Jeffery

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