How do I get a material on Course Reserves?

How do I get a book on course reserves? 


  1. Determine if what you're looking for is located at Course Reserves by searching:
    1. Even though we have a large textbook collection, we do not have every textbook on Course Reserves.
  2. Once you find the material, verify that the material is available and write down the call number.
  3. Head to the Circulation Desk located on the first floor under the Library Dome entrance.
  4. Give the call number to the library staff.
  5. When they return with the material, present your SDSUcard to check out the material for a short-loan period.
  6. Return the material to the Circulation Desk when your loan period is over to avoid a fine.
  • Last Updated Feb 01, 2024
  • Views 135
  • Answered By Margaret Henderson

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