Where can I find peer reviewed articles?

Where can I find peer reviewed articles from scholarly journals?


The library subscribes to many academic, scholarly, peer-reviewed journals.

If you need a refresher on what your professor means when they tell you to use peer-reviewed articles (sometimes also known as academic or scholarly journals), see this tutorial.

Here are a few ways you can find peer-reviewed articles in the library:

  • ""To search for articles on a topic: Use your keywords to search OneSearch https://libguides.sdsu.edu/csuonesearch and use the limits on the results page to "Peer-reviewed Journals"
    1. Type your search terms in the OneSearch search box on the library home page 
    2. Select Search 
    3. Check the Peer-reviewed box under Available at SDSU heading the in the Tweak my Results box
    4. Select Apply filters to update the set of results 


  • To search for articles from a specific field: Find the relevant research guide https://libguides.sdsu.edu/ and look for the "articles" tab to find the most useful databases for your subject. Choose a database, and search with your keywords


  • To find a specific journal: If you know the name of the journal you need, you can search for it by name in OneSearch
    1. Select the Journals link located under the OneSearch Search box on the library homepage
    2. Enter the title journal you are looking for in the search box and run the search 
    3. Select he title of the journal from the list
    4. Select the database that has the date range you need
    5. Look for a search option or a list of publication dates or issues and select the one you want


  • To find a specific article: You can search for the name of the article in OneSearch 

Note: most of the journals we have access to are by subscription, which means you will need an SDSUid and password to log-in. Unfortunately, our license agreements do not allow us to give off-campus access to alumni or community members. When the library is open, however, guests are welcome to access these resources from the library.


  • Last Updated Jan 09, 2024
  • Views 4256
  • Answered By Jenny Wong-Welch

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