How can I borrow ebooks for my Kindle?

How can I borrow ebooks for my Kindle (or other ereader)?


The SDSU library does have some ebooks that are comparable with Kindles. You can download DRM (digital rights manegement) free ebooks from our largest collection, Ebook Central. There are more instructions about how to do this here:

There are several apps that allow you to read ebooks: Kindle, Adobe Digital Editions, Bluefire Reader, Books, and Libby (for books at the SD County Library). Depending on the format of the file, like a PDF for instance, you may be able to read it in a browser or an app like Dropbox or Google Drive. Acsm files will work with Bluefire or ADE.

For more popular reading, you may also want to check out the San Diego Public Library or San Diego County Library's collections on Libby/Overdrive. See their websites for details. 


  • Last Updated Jan 08, 2024
  • Views 364
  • Answered By Laurel Bliss

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