How can I troubleshoot off campus access to resources?

I'm having trouble getting access to article databases, electronic journals, or ebooks from home, what can I do? 


The library mediates access to electronic resources, like databases, electronic journals, and ebooks, using a proxy server. After you log in, this proxy places your browser session within the campus IP range so that the database vendors (i.e. EBSCO, Proquest, etc) recognize you as being affiliated with SDSU (the paying subscriber). Access to the proxy requires a sign-in process that authenticates you with the campus using your email address and password to make sure you are a currently enrolled student or current employee. 

Where can this go wrong?

  • You are an incoming student. - You will not be able to access library online resources until you finish the Intent to Enroll Process.
  • You might not be on the proxy. - If you didn't start at OneSearch or the Database A-Z list you might not have been put through the proxy server. You can tell if your session is being proxied by looking for in the database URL.
  • Your SDSUid password might be incorrect. - You can verify this by logging into Canvas or another campus website. You can reset your password at
  • The password that's saved in your browser might be incorrect, or you have a plugin or add-on that is preventing the proxy from working. - You can test this by trying to login using Incognito Mode (Chrome), a Private Window (Firefox), or an InPrivate Window (Edge), which will remove saved passwords and extensions.
  • You're getting a "Too Many Redirects" error message. - Try clearing your cache or trying a different browser. 
  • You don't have cookies enabled. - You need cookies enabled.
  • You're on a military base or at a company with a secure network. - Some networks might actively prevent proxied traffic, so you'll need to try from another location.

Still can't get access? Contact the IT Services Help Desk and we'll help you troubleshoot.


  • Last Updated Oct 28, 2024
  • Views 3068
  • Answered By Keven Jeffery

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