How do I find articles on my topic?

How do I find journal articles related to my research?


There are several options to help you search for articles on your topic. 

General Topics-OneSearch 

To see article results from several databases in one place across a variety of subjects use the OneSearch search box on the library homepage.  To limit your search to articles:

  1. Scroll down and select the Collections button located under the OneSearch search box on the library home page 
  2. Scroll down and select the Articles button
  3. Enter your search terms in the search box
  4. Click Search 


General Topics-OneSearch- Limited to Peer Reviewed Only ""

To see article results from several databases in one place across a variety of subjects use the OneSearch search box on the library homepage.  To limit your search to articles:

  1. Enter your search terms in the search box
  2. Click Search 
  3. On the left side of the result will be options to Tweak your results. Scroll down to the Available at SDSU heading and select the Peer Reviewed box if you need peer-reviewed journals and/or the Full Text Only box if you want to see articles you can read right away 
  4. Click Search 


Subject Specific Research-Research Guides

If you need subject-specific resources there are Research Guides that can point you to the databases that are good for your particular field. To get to these: ""

  1. Click on the Research Guide button under the library homepage
  2. Select Database by Subject  
  3. Chose your subject area
  4. Click on the Article tab to see the best article databases for your subject area
  • Last Updated Feb 01, 2024
  • Views 257
  • Answered By Rebecca Nowicki

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