How do I get help from a librarian?

Is there someone who can help with finding sources for my research paper or literature search?


You can quickly be connected to a librarian 24/7 by visiting .

You can find a specific librarian or a subject specialist by visiting .


If you would like to start your research on your own, you can find our self-study research guides at

To access Research Guides: 

  1. Click the Subject Guides button under the search box on the library home page
  2. Select how you want the guides to be organized 
  3. Click on the link for the guide that fits your research need




You can also learn how to search more effectively by reading and/or  watching one of the many how-to tutorials available here: How-To Research Tutorials


  • Last Updated Nov 14, 2024
  • Views 73
  • Answered By Rebecca Nowicki

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