How do I return library material?

Returning library books and other materials 


All San Diego State Library materials may be returned to the Circulation Desk. 

For borrowers' convenience, book returns are available for use both during and after hours.

Materials returned after the Circulation Desk closes may not be checked in until the next day the library is open. Recalled items are due by the recall due date before the Circulation Desk closes.

Materials That Must be Returned to the Circulation Desk:

  • Reserve materials
  • Non-book items (e.g. audio/video tapes and disks, microfiche, CD-Roms, maps, DVDs)
  • Technology Equipment (e.g. laptops, cameras, calculators, headphones, iPads)
  • Fragile materials

Book Return Methods

*Items returned through a drop box takes time to be processed. An email receipt is generated once an item is checked. 

Campus Book Returns

Campus book returns are found on the outside of the library and in front of the Arts and Letters Building. Library book returns are located near the main entrance of the Library Addition (Dome) and at the south entrance of Love Library.

View the book return locations in Google Maps:


Drive-Up Book Returns

The drive-up book returns are located near the corner of Hardy Avenue and Campanile Drive in front of the SDSU Gateway Center.

View the drive-up book return location in Google Maps:


Mail Book Returns

Please remember that books remain your responsibility until they are received at the Circulation Desk. If you are out of town, avoid late charges by maintaining your current email and postal mail address with the University, keeping up with the status of the materials you have checked out, and allowing sufficient time for return by mail. 

Shipping through the United State Postal Service by "Media Mail" is a cost effective way to ship books back to the library. More information can be found at

If you return a book by mail, be aware that it may take more time than you expect to reach the library. Mail comes to campus, then to the  library, and then to the circulation desk. University staff may accept delivery of an item a day or two in advance of its being checked in at the Circulation Desk. Using a form of mail that allows you to track a package will help you know it has been delivered.


SDSU Library 
Circulation Desk
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-8050


If you have questions about your borrowed items, contact


  • Last Updated Oct 16, 2024
  • Views 935
  • Answered By Jenny Wong-Welch

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